Meidyn's Journey Home

This is the journey, from beginning to end, of how we got our daughter home. We have not met her, she may not even be born... but she's already found a way into our hearts.

Friday, December 15, 2006

My Secret Buddy sent me....

Yeah Secret Buddy!! You did great and I love all Leila's gifts. For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about I am part of an online group of expecting adopting parents. Every month we exchange with our Secret Buddy with gifts and each month it is a separate theme. This month was "bundle up". With that hat and mittens she will definitely be bundled up. Thanks again and Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 14, 2006

1 Month down!

I guess, with the Holidays coming, that this month is flying by quickly. We have survived the 1st month of the wait!! Yay US! The Christmas tree is up, shopping is done and we have received wonderful blessings. It seems that everytime we get a little bad news about the adoption process something happens that changes my perspective. I want to thank our family for being so wonderful and caring. We have received unexpected gifts and well wishes from our family to help us with our adoption process and we are so grateful. Thanks for everything. As we enter into the new year we know that the wait for Leila will likely lead us well into 2008. We also know that we have so much to be thankful for while we wait. Merry Christmas!

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