Meidyn's Journey Home

This is the journey, from beginning to end, of how we got our daughter home. We have not met her, she may not even be born... but she's already found a way into our hearts.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Our Newest Arrival

OK...I know I'm asking for trouble but she's soooooo cute!! This is her blog debut so relax and enjoy our new baby girl......HERMIONE. Yes, I named her! She was just calling out my name and I had to have her. It seems like everytime we wait to have a baby we get another pet. I'm going to start charging admission to enter our home.

We've made it 3 months.

Today is our 3 month LID anniversary. We're hopeful that things will start to pick up soon but we've been keeping very busy. Today is Valentines Day and we celebrated with lots of Candy and Flowers.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Referrals are here

Congrats to everyone who received their baby's pictures this month. Rumors have it we will not see another batch of referrals until mid March due to Chinese New Year.

Again, I'm disappointed with the amount of referrals, it seems the longer we wait, the longer the wait becomes. I sat down and did the math the other day and it's looks discouraging. At this rate, taking approximately 2 months to get through one month worth of waiting parents dossiers.....It will take over 2 years to finally get to OUR LID of 11\14\06!

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